Johanna Gartz

With a professional start within HR, Johanna became an experienced line manager with a leadership coaching approach. Today she is a passionate career and leadership coach working in an international environment with individuals in a range of occupations and seniority levels.

Johanna is genuinely interested in leadership issues and group dynamics, as well as a person’s inner ability to find solutions and develop under the right conditions.

She strongly believes that what prevents us from growth and development are the limits we have formed in our brains. The solution to our challenges is there to find inside of us – we do know the answer. But we need the time and space for reflection and someone who is listening and giving the right and challenging questions. This is the mission of the coach: To listen, to words, to silence, and ask the right questions at the right time.


  • ICF Certified Coach (PCC)
  • Diploma in Conflict Management
  • Diploma in Transformational Leadership
  • Diploma in Facilitation
  • Occupational Personality Questionnaire
  • Motivational Questionnaire
  • Licensed Individual Trainer


  • Coached clients from several continents
  • Line Manager in one of Sweden’s largest public authorities
  • Project manager in an EU project
  • Individual and Group Trainer
  • Background in HR, specialized in recruitment and benefits
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